exhibitions and honers
“In Vivid Color” solo exhibit, Seattle Ink and Oil Gallery, Seattle, WA, January 2014
“Eat, Sleep, Make Art.” Graduation Exhibit, Spokane Falls Community Collage May 2014
“What We’ve Done” Group Installation, Terrain: juried art exhibit, Spokane, WA, July 2014
“21st Annual Juried Student Art Exhibit” Gallery of Visual Arts, University of Montana, Missoula, MT, October-December 2015
“Embodied: a Figurative Show” Repertoire Art and Design, Missoula, Mt, November 6- December 30, 2015
"Belief" Echo Boutique, Spokane, WA, August 2016
"Indian-Trail Library Monthly Artist" Monthly Exhibit, Spokane Public Library April 2017
"East-side Library Monthly Artist" Monthly Exhibit, Spokane Public Library March 2018
"Hillyard Library Monthly Artist" Monthly Exhibit, Spokane Public Library April 2018
"Indian-Trail Library Monthly Artist" Monthly Exhibit, Spokane Public Library April 2018
"Summer Featured Artist" Art Seed Spokane, Spokane, WA, June 1- August 26, 2018
Fourth Place Award, “21st Annual Juried Student Art Exhibit” Gallery of Visual Arts, University of Montana, Missoula, MT, November-December 2015
September Artist Award, "Awesome foundation grant" Awesome Seattle, Seattle, WA September 2018
Bella York, 30th anniversary issue, The Wire Harp, June 2014, pg. 43 and 52